Message of Child Jesus of Prague
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Apparition of the King of Mercy on the 25th November 2022 above the fountain Maria Annuntiata on the property of the House Jerusalem
A big golden sphere of light hovers in the sky. It is accompanied by two smaller golden spheres of light. The big golden sphere of light opens up and the merciful child Jesus comes out of it in the shape of the Infant Jesus of Prague. The divine child wears a golden robe and a golden cloak which is embroidered with white lilies. He also wears a big golden crown. The Divine Child’s big golden crown looks like the crown of the Child Jesus of Prague and is decorated with red and green jewels.
The Child Jesus has dark brown hair which ist short and curly and his eyes are blue. On his robe there is a red heart. In his right hand he holds a big golden sceptre. The top of the sceptre is a golden cross which is decorated with jewels. In his left hand he holds the Vulgate.
Hoovering, he approaches us. Now, the two other spheres of light open up. Two angels come out of the two smaller spheres of light and they are dressed in simple robes of a glowingly white colour. They have straight shoulder-lenght hair. Both angels bow down in front of the King of Mercy and kneels down in front of him, they take the cloak of the Merciful Child and spread it above us. We are all sheltered below the King of Mercy’s cloak.
The Divine Child hovers over to me and speaks:
“Dear friends, stand firm in prayer. I am pleased you have come. Open up you hearts! The Eternal Father looks at your prayer of reparation. He wishes all nations to pray it.
I also appeared to sister Lucia of Fatima in My Holy Childhood. I came to her as the Child Jesus, just as I come to you today.”
M.: “Lord, I did not know this.”
The King of Meci speaks:
“In Fatima, my Most Holy Mother asked that the the Saturdays Devotion of Reparation be introduced for the good of the world and against warfare. Look, they have not been accepted by the world as the Father wished. The Mother speaks with my mouth and I speak with the mouth of the Father. Therefore, the wish of Heaven is not a new one. I said that you shall bless with the statue of My Holy Childhood in the shape of Prague. If you do so, this will protect you from troubles and warefare.
Introduce the Saturdays Devotion of Reparation as my Mother wished in Fatima. This is what I ask of you. It is not something new. This way, the Eternal Father will milden the tribunal. I do not come to punish you but to save you. I will not be crucified on Golgotha once more. But whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you have done to Me!
I said to you that abortion was the biggest sin of your generation. I get crucified in the rooms of abortion clinics because you deprive the little ones of their rights and decide about life. Therefore, I came to you as a child. Take my words and my appeal seriously and the Eternal Father will give you many graces!”
The King of Mercy approaches and speaks:
“Aviso! There will be this sign of grace on every pace of grace where my Most Holy Mother appeared.
Now, the Divine Child shows a column to me that is different at night than during the day. During the day it looks as if it consised from clouds and at night it looks like a column of fire. It will also appear in Sievernich.
M.: “But Lord, this is a column!” It will appear? When will this happen, Lord?”
The Divine Child says:
“Do not wait for the warning, do not wait for a wonder because I can come to you every day, every minute, every second. Sanctify your soul! You are a temple of the Holy Father. Take My Words seriously Live the sacraments of the Church! This enables me to come to you as Redeemer.”
Now, the Vulgate opens. I see the passage Revelation chapter 16, line 10 etc. The Vulgate radiates and the light comes down to us.
The Merciful Child says:
“Stay firm in prayer. Do not let yourself be confused. Do not forget: The Lord comes to find his sheep.”
Now, the King of Mercy holds his sceptre to his open heart and it becomes the aspergillum of his Precious Blood. This is for all the people present, as he says, and for all those people who think of him from afar. He blesses us: “In the name of the Father and the Son - that’s Me - and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
M.: “Lord, you are my confidence.”
The King of Mercy looks at the new statues depicting his mother and says:
“I am pleased with the statues as well.”
The Merciful Child speaks to me in private. The Divine child answers concerning a particular matter: “They will not give up.”
M.: “But you give your grace to us, Lord, and this is wonderful.”
“Look at me!” says the King of Heaven and blesses us again: “In the name of the Father and the Son - that’s Me - and the Holy Spirit.“
The Divine Child wishes us to pray the following prayer and says goodbye with an “Adieu!”
M.: “Adieu, Lord, adieu!”
Now, we pray: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven especially those who are in most need of Your mercy. Amen.
A personal message follows.
The King of Mercy goes back into the sphere of light as do the angels. The spheres of light dissapear.
This message is being announced without prejudice to the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Please contemplate on the Bible passages mentioned in the message:
Revelation chapter 16, line 10 ff.
10 The fifth angel emptied his bowl over the throne of the beast and its whole empire was plunged into darkness. People were biting their tongues for pain, 11 but instead of repenting for what they had done, they cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and sores. 12 The sixth angel emptied his bowl over the great river Euphrates. all the water dried up so that a way was made for the kings of the East to come in. 13 Then from the jaws of dragon and beast and false prophet I saw three foul spirits come; they looked like frogs 14 and in fact were demon spirits, able to work miracles, going out to all the kings of the world to call them together for the war of the Great Day of God the Almighty. — 13/14: Swamp dwellers, self-important, loudmouthed but still helpless like frogs - that is how they are, these enemies of God. 15 Look, I shall come like a thief. (Mt 24,43). Blessed is anyone who has kept watch, and has kept his clothes on, so that he does not go out naked and expose his shame. 15 In his habit, John interrupts the description of the world’s horrible labour pains with an insistent warning with which he addresses the believers. 16 They called the kings together at the place called, in Hebrew, Armageddon. 16: The name Armageddon shall obviously remind of his battle at Megiddo where the army of Israel’s enemies was completely wiped out. Cf. Judg. 4-5, 4 Kings 9,27; 23, 29-30
The Saturdays Devotion of Reparation
It is rather unknown that the happenings of Fatima continued in the 1920s. Two of the three visionaries, Jacinta and Francisco, died of the Spanish Flu and went to heaven, as the Mother of God had previously promised. In 2000 they were beatified by Pope John Paul II. and they were sancitfied by Pope Francis in 2017. The third visionary child, Lucia, entered into the monastery. As the freemansonic government of Portugal had banned religious life, she joined the Dorotheen sisters in 1921 who maintained convents in Tuy and Pontevedra at the Spanish-Portugese border. Only in 1948, she entered the newly rebuilt carmel in Coimbra with the permission of Pius XII.
During her life in the convent and until her death sister Lucia experienced apparitions of the Mother of God and heard her voice which is considered as the continuation of the Fatima messages.
On the 13th July 1917, after the children of Fatima experienced a vision of hell, the Blessed Virgin revealed to them “God wants that the devotion to my Immaculate Heart is introduced in the world”. She promised: “If you follow my words, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.” In order to prevent another big “war, famines, prosecutions of the Church and the Holy Father, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart as well as the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays of the month”. This is what the second secret of Fatima says.
This prophecy became true when Lucia entered into the convent. During her novitiate in Pontevedra and from 1929 on in Tuy, she experienced several appartitions of the Mother of God and the Child Jesus in which both wishes were made concrete.
The first appartition happened on 10th December 1925. Lucia was praying in her cabinet, when she saw the Mother of God in a luminescent cloud and next to her the Child Jesus. The holy Virgin put her hand on Lucia’s shoulder and showed her heart surrounded by thorns which she held in the right hand. Then, the Child Jesus explained: “Have pity on the heart of your Most Holy Mother, surrounded by thorns with which the ungrateful people are constantly piercing it without anyone making an act of reparation to pull them out.” Finally, the Most Holy Mother herself spoke:
“My daughter, look at my heart, surrounded by thorns with which the ungrateful people are constantly piercing it with their profanities and ungratefullness. At least you shall seek to console me and let it be known that I promise to to assist at the hour of death, with all the graces necessary for the salvation of these souls, all those who, for five months, on the first Saturday of each month, confess, receive Holy Communion, pray a Rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes by meditating on the 15 mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of thereby making reparation to me.”
The next day, sister Lucia informed her confessor and the Reverend Mother of the new message she had received of the Mother of God. But both could not accept this new type of devotion and they were not prepared to support sister Lucia with her apostolate.
Two months later, on 15th February 1926, Lucia was in the garden of the convent when the Child Jesus appeared to her again (this time alone) and asked her if the devotion to his Mother was already been spread. Lucia pointed out the difficulties that she, a religious woman living in a convent and being bound to obedience, was facing in such an undertaking.
Moreover, she explained to Jesus the difficulties that some believers had had in following the message and practising the First Saturday Devotion. For some it was, for instance, impossible to go to confession on a Saturday. Therefore, Lucia asked that a previous confession be valid for the eight days. The Child Jesus replied: “Yes, it can be valid even longer with the precondition that they are in the state of grace when they receive Me and that they have the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart.”
Later on, sister Lucia’s confessor asked her why it has to be five Saturdays of all days. The visionary of Fatima received the answer through an inner intuition:
“My daughter, the reason is simple: It is about five kinds of insults and blasphemies commited against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
1. the blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception,
2. against her virginity,
3. against her godmotherhood together with the reflusal to accept her as the Mothe of Men,
4. those who publicly try to instil in the hearts of children indifference, contempt and even hatred for this Immaculate Mother.
5. those who directly defile her in her sacred images.”
On the 13th July 1929, sister Lucia had just moved to the convent of the Dorothean sisters in Tuy, the most striking apparition took place during a night-time adoration. Again, she saw the Mother of God who, this time, was dressed in a white gown holding her heart which was surronded by thorns in the right hand. First, she granted the visionary of Fatima a vision of the Holy Trinity and then she gave her the following message: The time had come to ask the Pope to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart - and to introduce the five Saturdays of Reparation. Stalin had just seized dictatorial power in Russia and Adolf Hitler was preparing his takeover in Germany.
She actually wrote a letter to Pope Pius XI. at this time but her words fell on deaf ears in Rome. Back then, the apparitions of Fatima had not even been recognised by the Church. This happenen only one year later and was valid only for the events of 1917 and not for Lucia’s visions in the 1920s. Even Pius XII. who carried out the first consecration of Russia and the word and thus brought about the decisive turnaround in World War 2, failed to stand up for the introduction of the Saturdays of Reparation. Thus, they were celebrated by Fatima prayer groups all over the worls and by numerous faithful, however, they were never officially introduced by the Church.
Shortly before the outbreak of World War 2 sister Lucia pointed out how devastating the consequences of this shortfall would be. “It depends on the execution of this devotion and the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary if the world will have war or peace. Therefore, I wish so much that this devotion spreads for this is also the will of our dear Mother in heaven.” A lot of things could have been prevented if we had immediately responded to our dear Mother’s pleas!
How do you celebrate the Saturdays of Reparation?
To atone for the sins against the Immaculate Heart, you have to do the following on the 1st Saturday of five succeeding months
- go to confession (8 days before or after or regularly once a month)
- receive the Holy Communion
- pray the rosary
- contemplate for 15 minutes on the secrets of the rosary
The pillar of fire
The Mother of revealed to the visionary children of Garabandal (1961 - 65) that two events would preceed the tribunal with which the heavenly Father would try once more to call mankind to repent. The first would be a collective enlightenment of conscience which would be accompanied by a cosmic event (such as the collision of two meteorites), the so-called “Aviso” (“Warning”). The second would be a permanent miracle, a pillar of fire and clouds which would manifest in Grabandal near the pine forest, the scene of most apparitions (see: Michael Hesemann: Garabandal - Warnung und Wunder, Media-Maria 2022). The fact that also the visionary children of Medjugorje spoke about such a pillar of clouds, however in Medjugorje, points to the fact that this miracle will not be limited to Garabandal. This is why, on the 13th November 2022 during my talk about Garabandal in Heroldsbach (where a Marian apparition took place from 1949-52), I asked if we can expect a pillar of clouds in all or at least in many apparition sites. The last message of Sieverich confirmed this assumption in an impressive way.
- Dr. h. c. Michael Hesemann